Muslim and Catholic dialogue links :

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Department of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs is committed to developing tolerance in North America through education and created a chart comparing Islam and Christianity.


Academic Interfaith Centers:
Harvard’s Pluralism Project

Prince Alwaleed Bin-Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding

Catholic Theological Union’s Catholic-Muslim Program


Interfaith organizations:
Interfaith Youth Core offers service and dialogue opportunities for youth and young adults.

National Religious Campaign Against Torture

Interfaith Worker Justice

Fellowship of Reconciliation is an international interreligious peace organization.

Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions

Interfaith Alliance's primary causes are promoting religious liberty by challenging religious political extremism.

North American Interfaith Network  

North American Interfaith Network lists member organizations, including many local interfaith groups.

Women Transcending Boundaries

Institute for Interfaith Dialogue

Rumi Forum for Interfaith Dialogue

Beliefnet discussion boards


National Islamic Organizations:
Islamic Society of North America

Council on American-Islamic Relations