Saint Martin of Porres

He was born in Lima, Peru, in 1579, the son of a Spanish nobleman and a freed black slave. He was a mestizo and as such, despised by the society of his time. His mother had a deep faith and educated him as a Christian. He also learned pharmacy and had an extensive knowledge of surgical practices. In 1603 he entered the Dominican order as a lay brother. He served the community as nurse and eventually started treating all kinds of people who came to him, first in the monastery and then in a makeshift hospital he opened at his sister’s house.

He also founded an orphanage, a soup kitchen, and other charitable works through the city of Lima. The viceroy of Peru himself helped Martin and visited him often in his convent cell. After a life of penance and tireless work, Martin died of typhoid fever in 1639. Immediately, people started to venerate him as a saint.<\P>

Pope John XXIII said of him: “He loved his neighbors because he considered them true children of God and his brothers and sisters; he loved them better than himself because through his humility he believed them to be better and more perfect than him.”<\P>

Your turn:

  • Have you ever felt any kind of discrimination?
  • Why do you think prejudices did not stop Saint Martin from fighting for the ill?
  • Do you think that Saint Martin was risking too much by treating the sick?
  • What would you do?
  • What skills do you have that you could use to serve others and God?


Lord Jesus, I feel proud of my identity and my country of origin. But I know you tell us that with God there is no discrimination. Help me when I am afraid of people who are different and I react rejecting them. Help me to see you in everyone, as Saint Martin did. Give me the gift of forgiveness when someone hurts me by discriminating against me or my people. Teach me to see the dignity of everyone, created by God after his own image and likeness. Amen.