Our Lady of Charity, patroness of Cuba

In the 17th century, three young people—an indigenous one, a black one, and a European, now known as the three juanes—had gone to the Nipe Bay in Cuba in search of salt. There was a great storm and after two days of anguish, the three young people found an image on the waters. She appeared all dressed in white, just as salt. She was carrying the Child Jesus in her arms and was on a small piece of wood with had an inscription reading: I am Our Lady of Charity.

Your turn:

  • What does the apparition of Our Lady to three young men of different races suggest to you?
  • Do you discriminate against someone?


Mary of Charity, help me to be freed from fear of those who are different from me, and to seek the love you teach us as the salt of this earth. May I never be afraid of looking for your salt to give it to the world, knowing that you are always with me. Amen.