Saint Therese of Lesieux

St. Thérèse of Lisieux was almost a child when she died; she had never left her convent and died at age 24. And yet she is the patroness of missions and one of only three women doctors of the church. How did she manage all that in her short life? She lived very intense experiences and was able to articulate them. She now has millions of devotees throughout the world.

Your turn:

  • How can you have a universal influence from your own world?


God of the Universe, you know what happens in our homes and in the farthest places of the world. I ask that I might always be aware of the needs of others, regardless of where they are, and that I might have the strength to change the injustices I see around me. I ask this in the name of Jesus, example of Justice. Amen. Saint Therese of Lesieux, Pray for us.