Faith Reflections

Devotional Prayer Nurtures our Inner Child.

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." — Matthew 11: 28-30

It is interesting that the very adult experiences of challenge, difficulty, and gratitude that draw us to St. Jude also help clarify and connect us to the kind of faith we had as children. The heart of devotion to St. Jude and his intercession requires the trust we knew when we were young.

This continuity that is a part of prayer to St. Jude deepens his role in helping us share even more fully in the reach of God’s love. Our hope comes from a place of trust, of conviction about God’s goodness. The call and our response create a profoundly experienced faith over time.

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Devotional prayer nurtures our inner child

Send Your Prayer or Petition
to the National Shrine of St. Jude

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Our faith also celebrates the strength of believing. In addition to deep dedication, being one of Jesus’ Apostles brought St. Jude years of trials as he worked to teach others about God’s love and His word. He had to work toward a life of grace through prayer. He was insulted and criticized by those who did not listen. His willingness to accept the unconditional love of God sustained him. Our dedication to St. Jude helps us on our path to a life of grace, too.

The rhythm of devotional prayer is an instrument for tranquility, bringing peace of mind and of heart to our days. St. Jude gives us rest, hope, and the gift of intercession on our behalf. The more we are at peace, the more readily we are able to appreciate the miracles and wonders God gives us and the world continually.

St. Jude allows us to put our faith into full motion by sharing the love of God with others. We pray for the people we love and those we struggle with. Sometimes we let them know of our prayers for help, sometimes we keep our devotion to ourselves. Regardless, we choose hope above all. We strive to live more often than not with the optimism and the light heart we knew as children.