Parish Life

Let's put the Eucharist to work
Going to Mass is one thing; going from Mass to live it in the world is quite another. Thankfully, reports Robert J. McClory, some parishes do practice what they eat.

When worlds collide: Culture clashes coming to a parish near you
When many cultures come together in one parish, the results can be painful and sometimes catastrophic. In an interview with the editors, Father Gary Riebe-Estrella, S.V.D. says we can work it out.

O Father, where art thou?
America's priest shortage could be coming soon to a parish near you-if it hasn't already made a disappearance. Ren?e M. LaReau reports on how U.S. parishes are surviving life without Father.

Seven habits of highly effective Massgoers
Sadly reviewing algebra grades, Sister Eucharia always said, "You get out of it what you put into it." David Philippart reports the same is true for the sacramental experience that holds our faith together.

Archive of Parish Life Articles

Resources from Claretian Publications:

  • At Home With Our Faith: Each month, ten times a year, Mary Lynn Hendrickson and Catherine O’Connell-Cahill pull together practical ideas, inspiration, reflections, and resources for parents who want to raise their kids with a living faith. Parents appreciate their down-to-earth approach and real-life stories. Winner of the Associated Church Press’ Best in Class Award for Newsletters in 2004 and 2005.

    Sign up to get At Home With Our Faith delivered to your home. (Special bulk rates available for churches and parent groups. Call 800-328-6515)

Family handouts for parishes and parent groups (call 800-328-6515 to order):

  • Who is your kid’s best teacher of the faith? You are! (Item #385)
  • A parent’s 10 Commandments for passing on the faith (Item #383)
  • 14 family lessons from the Stations of the Cross (Item #384)
  • Take the plunge into Lent (Item #396)
  • TV’s not a black and white issue: How to teach your kids to be savvy viewers (Item #203)
  • 12 ways to bring family to Mass (Item #361)
  • Eight ways that parents and parish can be partners (Item #137)
  • How to pass on the articles of faith (Item #134)
  • The good old days are now: What today’s families are doing right (Item #135)
  • Why sex is so good for your marriage (Item #105)
  • What parents might learn from Littleton (Item #129)
  • How to protect our children from sexual abuse (Item #932)
  • What is a Catholic marriage? (Item #917)

Other parish-related handouts from Claretian Publications (call 800-328-6515 to order):

  • 7 habits of highly effective Massgoers (Item #136)
  • The practicing Catholic: 8 ways to tap into our rich tradition (Item #118)
  • In Good Faith: an all-new, information-packed, user friendly handout series to assist the many people in your parish who are active in R.C.I.A., adult religious education programs, faith-sharing groups, and personal faith development. Created with parish directors of religious education and the people they serve in mind, the two-sided color handouts are clear, concise, engaging, informative, and written with an awareness of how faith can make sense in people’s busy, modern lives.
  • Claretian Publications’ Hispanic Ministry Resource Center offers a complete selection of bilingual liturgical, cultural, and catechetical resources created especially for the multicultural parish. No mere translations of English, all our products are written or adapted with the Hispanic Catholic community in mind. Includes:
    • Amigos De Jes?s, a bilingual and bicultural catechism program designed specifically for Hispanic children living and growing up in the United States.
    • El Momento Cat?lico, a bilingual pastoral aid that recognizes the important role Catholicism plays in the lives of many Hispanics. Handouts on sacraments, seasons of the church year, and faith and society, including questions for group discussion and reflection.
    • Nuestra Parroquia, a monthly, bilingual guide to liturgical, social, and cultural issues of concern to leaders of multicultural parishes. Includes homily helps, practical advice, clip art, and reprintable bulletin reflections.

For homilists and others who need to stay current on the intersection of culture and religion:

  • Context reviews the latest in theology, philosophy, and culture in one easy-to-read newsletter. Theologian Martin Marty does the work for you by sifting through thousands of books, magazines, newspapers, and academic reports. Find out more by visiting Context online.

For parish social justice groups:

  • The Busy Christian's Guide to Catholic Social Teaching, an online timeline with handy summaries of all the church's major social documents beginning with Rerum novarum in 1891 and continuing through Centesimus annus in 1991.
  • Salt of the Earth: Your free online resource for social justice: Message area, legislative alerts, social justice news, organizing aid and self-help, social justice stats and linked resources, and more.

Other resources: